Assembly Shop
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Cast Craft’s Assembly shop has been built with the State of the art Assembly and testing facility meeting Global Engineering Standard. High precision assembly is mandatory to ensure that the product meets the desired assembly and testing requirements. Our state of the art pneumatic and hydraulic testing facility ensures highest product quality. The flushing facilities involved are as per NAS/ISO Standards.
This is a primary requirement to improve the operational efficiency of the machines. We create custom machines as per the requirement of individual projects.
- Single acting spring return pneumatic actuator with hydraulic snubber/dampener.
- Double acting pneumatic actuator with hydraulic snubber/dampener
- Hydraulic actuator
Cast Craft provides actuation for valves used in the oil and gas, pulp and paper, chemical, processing and energy related industries. Our high-value project development with end-to-end service ensures that our clients get the best value for their investment. We ensure that the customization is always as per the need of the projects along with simple to smart positioners.
- Hydraulic hand pumps - These hand pumps serve as a manual override in case of a pneumatic failure or any other bottle neck in the line.
- Air reservoirs - For additional air supply requirements for ultra-fast opening or closing of the valves.
- Hydraulic dampening blocks - damping products for hydraulic cushioning/dampening